Hiring an Accident Attorney in Sacramento, CA Can Guide a Person Towards Compensation

by | Sep 14, 2015 | Accident & Personal Injury Lawyer

The sound of crushing metal and breaking glass bring fear into a person’s heart when they realize they have just been involved in a serious accident. The shock a person feels often drowns out the signs of serious injury as they try to understand what has just happened. When someone is injured because of an accident they did not cause, they often have questions they never seem to get answers to. By hiring an accident attorney in Sacramento, CA, a person can receive those answers and the guidance they need to seek compensation.

Those who have been seriously injured because of a car accident need to seek medical care right away. When visiting the hospital or doctor’s office, it is crucial a person informs the medical staff they were injured in an accident. This not only prompts them to note this in the medical records, but it also instructs them they need to check for all types of injuries, including internal ones.

When an accident victim hires an Accident Attorney in Sacramento CA, the attorney becomes an advocate for them. Attorneys seek to protect their client’s rights and interests so they can receive the fair compensation the law says they are allowed to seek.

The driver who caused the accident can be held liable for the injuries, pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages and vehicle and property damages the victim incurred. This compensation may be provided by the person’s insurance company. If they did not have insurance or their insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement to the victim, the attorney can pursue a case in court.

Trials may be settled quickly, but most often are lengthy. A trial allows an attorney to submit various forms of evidence to try and prove liability. If the jury finds the defendant is liable for the accident, they will then take a look at the evidence provided to prove measurable damages so they can come up with a compensation amount to award the plaintiff.

Those who have been seriously injured in accidents they did not cause can find welcome help when they contact the lawyers at Sevey, Donahue and Talcott. These lawyers help victims seek the compensation they deserve.

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