A Car Accident Attorney in Oshkosh WI Represents Plaintiffs Who Were Injured in Parking Lots

by | Jul 12, 2018 | Law

People generally have the mistaken impression that all parking lot accidents are minor ones. However, more serious incidents sometimes occur in which a vehicle driver hits a bicyclist or pedestrian. A serious collision also can occur between two vehicles if one comes careening into a lot from the street at high speed. A Car Accident Attorney in Oshkosh WI represents plaintiffs who have been hurt in these incidents.

When a Lawyer Is Needed

The typical relatively minor damage to a vehicle that occurs in parking lot collisions usually doesn’t require a lawyer to sort things out with the at-fault driver’s insurer. In contrast, if someone was injured seriously enough to be hospitalized or is suffering from ongoing health problems related to the collision, hiring a Car Accident Attorney in Oshkosh WI may be necessary to acquire the maximum possible compensation.

Evaluating Partial Fault

The insurance company may insist that the injured person was partly at fault. The only time the adjusters may not be able to do this is when the injured person was sitting in a parked car in a parking space. If the person was in a car that was not moving but the vehicle was in a driveway or in an aisle, the insurer may claim it was in the other driver’s way.

Even a person on foot or on a bike could be represented as being partially to blame. The adjusters may look for evidence that a pedestrian or a bicyclist was not in a crosswalk or was darting through an aisle. They may cite a driver’s difficulty in seeing these individuals moving quickly in a parking lot in unexpected areas.

Feeling Intimidated

Without a lawyer such as one with Gregory Wright Law Office, the injured person trying to make a settlement claim is likely to feel intimidated about these accusations. The insurer may present an offer with a “take it or leave it” stance that makes the claimant feel pressured. He or she feels fearful about the possibility of not receiving any money. This individual will want to visit a personal injury lawyer website like Gregwrightlaw.com and schedule a free consultation.

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