Your Outcome Depends On If You Choose The Right Divorce Attorney In Waukesha WI

by | Mar 4, 2015 | Divorce

Divorce outcomes can be positive or negative. The outcome of your divorce all depends on whether you choose an experienced divorce attorney in Waukesha WI. You may think that every attorney knows about family law, but someone who has experience in family law, will help you get the outcome that you want and deserve. There are many variables in settling a divorce such as what assets were available before the marriage, the income potential of the parties and if children are involved. There are laws that cover all aspects of the family law spectrum to help make the proper legal decisions in your case.

A great example of separating marital assets is the parties’ assets before marriage. If one or both of you owned a home before marriage and sold that home during the course of your marriage to jointly purchase a home, you are entitled to receive those monies back in your pocket at the time of the settlement. If you were a stay-at-home parent during your marriage and your partner has been working and building up money in a 401K or other retirement, you may be entitled to your share of that retirement.

If you were the primary caregiver for your children and custody is a sticking point in your divorce terms, the court always determines what the child’s best interests are. For example, if you are a stay-at-home mom and your spouse travels frequently, the courts would take into consideration whether the children’s needs would be better served being cared for by someone outside of the home or their own parent. Another aspect of the children’s best interest is the relationship the child has with the parent and the age of the child. Only A divorce attorney Waukesha WI with experience in family law can help to guide you with the proper answers to your child custody concerns.

It is not recommended that you try to represent yourself in a divorce or child custody issues in court. A Divorce Attorney can assist you with a consultation or representation that can adequately meet your needs. You don’t want to end up with less in your divorce than you’re entitled to when a simple call to an experienced family law attorney can lead you on the path to a brighter future.

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