There is no doubt we all sometimes get into situations that are beyond our control. Life is anything but predictable, and what you thought would lead to one thing – or even nothing at all – can quickly spiral out of control. The decisions of one night, or just a few...
Month: June 2018
Asset Division and Your Divorce: What You Need to Know
Divorce can be incredibly stressful. You have financial matters to hammer out, decisions to make together, and more. If there are children involved, things become even more complex. However, one thing that many people don’t think much about is the division of their...
Ask Your Aurora Family Law Attorney: Should You Create a Prenup?
When you first propose and get the "Yes!" you’ve been waiting for, it’s easy to get swept up in the romance of getting married. One thing that isn’t very romantic is a prenuptial agreement, or a prenup. Many people have the idea that a prenup is something that is...
The Most Important Things to Know When Hiring a Short Sale Lawyer
When you boil things down to the simplest level, anytime you have legal questions, you should hire an attorney. If you are involved in a short sale, you may have a real estate agent, but this person cannot provide legal advice. It’s also generally recommended that you...
Secure Your Compensation with an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney in Saint Paul
If you have been involved in a serious auto accident, chances are you are dealing with your insurance, physical injuries, and even medical bills, among other inconveniences, but if the accident was a result of negligence on someone else’s part, you may not have to...