Essentials of a Good Bankruptcy Attorney in Dayton, Ohio

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Law

Although the American economy continues to improve slightly, this doesn’t mean families are out of the woods yet. Many are still trying to recover from months or even years of unemployment, some remain without medical insurance or have lingering bills from before the Affordable Care Act kicked in and they got medical insurance, and others find they are still underwater with their home. If you find you are struggling to make ends meet and don’t know where to turn, now may be the time to look into Bankruptcy Attorneys in Dayton Ohio. Here are some essential things to look for as you do so.

Pay attention to the services you will receive when choosing an attorney. Most use standard agreements when handling a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy and charge a flat fee for the process. This should include an analysis of your financial situation, preparation of your petition, a review of this petition with you, the attorney’s presence at the creditors’ meeting, and follow-ups with your creditors. If you are filing for Chapter 13, the fee needs to also include the reorganization plan, it’s preparation, and the attorney’s presence at the bankruptcy confirmation hearing.

The attorney needs to focus on bankruptcy law, rather than offer numerous practice areas. One or two are okay, but he or she needs to understand the intricacies of this type of case for the best results. The problem with this, however, is you also don’t want to deal with a bankruptcy mill, which is nothing more than a law firm which takes on numerous cases without regards to the particular needs of each client. All clients making use of the firm are treated the same, and this is not what you want when you are dealing with your financial future.

When meeting with Bankruptcy Attorneys in Dayton Ohio, you also want to ensure you feel comfortable working with the one who will be handling your case. Many choose their attorney based solely on price, when the focus needs to be on a good fit. Those who do shop around often choose Miami Valley Bankruptcy of Dayton Ohio with great results. As you go to choose, make sure you check this firm out. You may find you wish to have them represent you during this difficult time.

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