Something Must Be Done About Child Abuse Cases in Pennsylvania

by | May 13, 2015 | Lawyer

One of the unfortunate realities of life is that children often end up suffering in domestic situations that are clearly unhealthy for them. The nasty fact is that there are three million reports of child abuse in the United States annually. Of these reports, about six million children are included. This makes the United States have one of the worst records for such tragedy as an industrialized nation. The types of abuse to which these children are subjected include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect and physical neglect. The top two abuses are physical and sexual.

If the child abuse statistics are broken down state to state, it will reveal which states have the worst problem with this criminal activity. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, over 38 children die annually as a result of child abuse. Parents were found to be the perpetrators in 59% of those Child Abuse Cases. Of that number, 26% were cases of physical abuse while 64% were sexual assaults or sexually abusive conduct. Clearly, there is a problem in the homes between parents and children.

It must be noted that child abuse is prevalent just about everywhere. In Pennsylvania, no counties were exempt from reported Child Abuse Cases. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is not the exception, but rather the typical across the globe. This month of April is child abuse month, and something must be done about all of the child abuse in the various areas. Addressing this issue becomes not one person’s responsibility or one agency’s job. It is the responsibility of everyone to be observant. If necessary, report the suspected activity to various agencies, including a law firm that will represent such cases.

website is a Philadelphia-based website of attorneys dedicated to bringing legal justice for clients in various areas of the law. This includes family law, under which child abuse cases fall. website is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Do not fail to report a suspected case of child abuse or neglect. It is better to err on the side of possible abuse than to let something go not addressed. You can talk to a representative at the website law firm by visiting the website.

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