Do You Need Help Filing for Workmans’ Comp?

by | Nov 30, 2015 | Workers Compensation

Filing Workmans’ comp can be an exhaustive and annoying experience. Though the law is on the side of the injured victim and requires an employer to carry workman’s compensation insurance, many employers and their insurance providers end up dragging their feet and even denying claims that are worthy of benefits. Those who are seriously injured in accidents on the job should consider hiring an attorney to help them with their claim, because even if it appears a person’s employer and insurance company are acting cooperatively, attorney guidance can be helpful.

When an injured worker first informs their employer of their injury, the employer has the duty of informing the insurance company, and by law, the insurance company must respond in a timely manner so the claim can be properly processed. The insurance company will often require a person to go through drug and alcohol testing to ensure these were not factors in causing the accident.

The injured party will also be required to see the insurance company doctor, who will be responsible for diagnosing them and offering their prognosis. This doctor also determines how long a worker will be out of work and what types of medical treatments may be required for them to recover.

Workmans’ comp insurance pays for an injured worker’s time out of work and for their medical care until they are able to return to work and are released from the doctor. If an injured person receives a denial on their workers’ compensation claim, they have the right to work with an attorney to appeal the decision, even if it means going to trial.

Though workers’ compensation claims are meant to be settled as promptly as possible, insurance companies are not always punctual. An attorney will work with the insurance company to make sure an injured client’s claim is given the proper consideration so benefits can be awarded.

Injured workers need to be aware of their rights for filing workers’ compensation claims. For more information on hiring a lawyer to help, visit; they fight for the rights of injured workers to help ensure they receive the benefits the law entitles them to.

To find more information, visit local page.

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