Reasons Why Child Support in Newnan, GA Is So Important for Children

by | Dec 1, 2016 | Legal Services

Children whose parents have separated or divorced often go through financial hardships. Because they are used to having two incomes in the home, with one parent gone, they may have to reduce the number of activities they can participate in, for instance. #Some also have to scale down their shopping trips and purchase fewer clothes and pairs of shoes for school. This can cause serious social problems for older children. A handful of kids might even be bullied because they don’t have the same types of clothes or shoes the other kids have. These types of problems can often be eliminated with the help of child support.

Child support in Newnan, GA is a payment one parent makes to the other that is intended to help the children maintain their former lifestyle following a separation or divorce. Whether the custodial parent has always worked outside the home or stayed home with the kids during the marriage, the child support they receive is meant to supplement the income of the household where the child primarily lives. Although it won’t be specifically designated for any particular purpose, the additional money generally helps the children continue doing the things they did while their parents were together.

Kids who receive regular child support from their noncustodial parent tend to feel more cared for by both of their parents. Parents who pay child support are more likely than those who don’t to spend time with their children regularly. They attend athletic and school events with their children, talk to them on the phone, and have them over on weekends and holidays. Because this is the ideal way to parent children after a divorce, failure to pay child support in Newnan, GA has consequences.

Custodial parents who don’t receive the child support ordered by the court might be able to get assistance from an attorney. The best place to start is This site has a wealth of information about the family court system. It’s not fair to deny children the things they’ve been accustomed to simply because their parents’ marriage didn’t work out. Working with an experienced family law attorney may help get the funds a parent needs to nurture their children.

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