What Can You Expect From Divorce Mediation in River Forest?

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Lawyer

Going through a divorce is never easy, no matter what the reasons. If your marriage is headed for divorce, it is in your best interest to protect your rights and hire an attorney to represent you. Since divorces are often highly emotionally charged, this can cause you to make mistakes in your decisions. By hiring a lawyer to help, your rights and interests will be protected throughout your divorce.

When you make the decision to divorce, a case is first filed in court. You will be asked for your grounds for divorce. Your grounds is your reason for your divorce. You can decide on entering a non-fault ground or a fault ground. If you choose a fault ground, you will need to be fully prepared to give ample proof for your grounds. Non-fault grounds have no need to be proven.


In most divorce cases, there is a need for Divorce Mediation River Forest. This type of mediation can often allow people to settle the details of their divorce settlement, without the need for court intervention. A lawyer will help you through the mediation process, so your rights are fully protected.

Divorce Mediation River Forest is not always able to settle a divorce. If any aspects of your case goes unsettled, the Divorce Mediation River Forest will continue for several meetings. If there are continued issues with reaching an agreement, the case will be heard before a judge, who will decide on any remaining issues and issue a divorce decree.

The mediation process allows all parties to have a say in the settlement. These meetings are overseen by a third-party mediator, who is in charge of making sure everyone has an opportunity to speak and present any information. The goal of the mediator is to foster communication and make sure the process is fair to everyone involved.

If you are in need of Divorce Mediation River Forest, contact Oak Park Illinois Divorce Mediation Family & Collaborative Law Attorney. Through their services, you will have the help you need, to work through the mediation process, so your divorce can be finalized as soon as possible.


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